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Author Updates

Sharing is Caring: How Stories Can Build Connections

Sharing is Caring: How Stories Can Build Connections

So, why create? Besides the joy of making something that came from your head and hands, we create to connect with other people. How do people make connections with other people? By sharing truth with them. It could be a personal story or a passed-on story that we have seen proven, or even a made-up story that proves the truth we have seen in our own life. We share these things with each other and suddenly, there it is, connection.

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A true story…

A true story…

The best arguments in the world won’t change a person’s mind. The only thing that can do that is a good story.I’ve been listening to a new podcast (not new in general, it’s actually from 2018, but new to me). It is called You Are A Storyteller. It is two screenwriters...

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When the Unexpected Happens…

When the Unexpected Happens…

January was not what I expected. I was anticipating being home again after the bustle of holidays and settling down into a routine of regular life, including continuing to work on picture book projects and illustration.

Instead, I had my first task handed to me of mothering my sick children. From before Christmas until just a few days ago, someone in our home has been sick. There were a few days in there of wellness, where kids all went to school and I did sit down to do a little bit of the other work I am trying to do.

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Remembering the Year

Remembering the Year

Hello friend. Another year has blasted by! I hope your holiday season was filled with love and family, friends and memories to cherish in the future. Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hail the merry autumn days,When leaves are turning red;Because they're far more beautifulThan anyone has said, We hail the merry harvest time,The gayest of the year;The time of rich and bounteous crops,Rejoicing and good cheer.   Being thankful for hard things...

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On Finding Your Path

On Finding Your Path

Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.- Terry Pratchett“Seriously Funny: The Endlessly Quotable Terry Pratchett”, p.68, Random House When I was stumbling my way into adulthood, a college freshman on my own for the first time, I was certain...

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Starting a Newsletter

Starting a Newsletter

A Start of Good Things… Thank you for joining me for my very first monthly newsletter. This is something I’ve wanted to start a long time ago and always put aside because I am busy with other things. I want to have a newsletter for keeping friends and fans...

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