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Chapter Books

Family Storytime Challenge Preview

Family Storytime Challenge Preview

Hi friends! This last month was a whirlwind. Finishing out my Kickstarter campaign, moving forward with printing all the goodies, and dealing with all of my family being sick, one at a time! I feel like this month has thrown me all out of my working groove and I need...

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Life’s Rollercoasters

Life’s Rollercoasters

This month has been a whirlwind! Josh and I planned a trip to celebrate our 17th anniversary, but I got sick right before, and we had to cancel. Shortly after, I launched my Storm Trucks Kickstarter. The launch started strong, with almost half of my goal met in the first few days! Since then, progress has slowed, which has been tough.

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May the Forties Be With You…

May the Forties Be With You…

I just turned forty, and as my birthday came nearer I actually got nervous about it. I usually don't care about getting older but for some reason forty seemed like a big birthday to me.  I know in my head that forty isn't that old, I still have many years ahead of me,...

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Planting the Future

Planting the Future

When I was a little girl, my family moved across the country. It was also the year my first little sister was born. I was in kindergarten, so it was also probably the year I learned to read and write. I lost my first tooth as we drove across the country. It was a big...

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An Unexpected Miracle

An Unexpected Miracle

This last month has been unexpected in a bad way. We were planning one more family trip before school started to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park, and King's Canyon National Park. One week before it was time to leave, I found myself in...

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Children Connection

Children Connection

June is here, and it's good to talk to you again. Thank you for being a reader of my monthly newsletter! It’s no secret I love children. I want the children I interact with to be better for the experience of meeting me. I taught preschool for six years and have...

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The most important work

The most important work

Welcome to May! How can it be May already? I don’t know. I have a busy month ahead, with my youngest graduating preschool this year, and my oldest moving out of elementary into intermediate school (which is just the other side of the school building, thank goodness!...

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