Last week I posted about 10 Classic Stories for Three-Year-Olds. Today, here are some of our newer favorites!
Froggy Series
I love this great series for this age group. Froggy is always doing silly things and the onomatopoeia in these books make for a fun read.
Mix It Up!
This is a very good interactive book to read with your child. It doesn’t work as well for group readings, but for one-on-one story time, I highly recommend it. This is probably one of Lily’s favorite books this whole year. It deals with color mixing, but it such a way that it’s like the child is doing the mixing his or herself. Very cool.
Little Miss, Big Sis
There are other Little Miss books as well, but this one really appealed to Lily, even before we were expecting our second. It rhymes, has great illustrations, and is heartwarming too.
Llama Llama Series
If you haven’t read any Llama Llama books: do it right now. We love all of them. Llama Llama Red Pajama is the original, but there are a lot of other ones. Lily even loves the board books which are meant for younger readers (probably 1 and 2-year-olds).
Potty (and other Leslie Patricelli board books)
This is our favorite potty-training book. Even after potty training, we have read it so many times, Lily reads it to me. There are also a lot of other books with the gender-neutral baby as the star, but personally, this one is great. Maybe I’m partial since we’ve read it so many times.
The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories
We were reading from another children’s Bible before I bought this one as an Easter present, but this Bible is perfect for this age group. Lily makes sure we read our Bible story every day. It’s a really basic telling of a lot of the main Bible stories. The pictures are not my favorite, seeing as there are so many white and blond and not middle-eastern at all looking people in them, but overall, great for this age group. I do want to recommend the Bible we were reading before, which is also a wonderful children’s Bible but geared for an older child: The Jesus Storybook Bible
This one tells the stories in a way that ties the Old and New Testament together, as well as having tear-jerking stories and beautiful pictures.
The Case of the Stinky Stench
Don’t ask me why, but 3-year-olds love talking about things that are stinky, smelly, or disgusting. So, when we checked this book out of the library it was a huge hit with my daughter. We had to read it every day until we returned it to the library. Also, there’s a map in the back of the book which is another really exciting thing for 3s.
The Book with No Pictures
This one only works as a read-aloud, unless your child loves to look at typography. It makes reading aloud very fun for your 3-year-old because it makes the adult say very silly things. So if that’s up your child’s alley, check this one out.
I am glad to read about these new books. As little ones get older they laugh at different types of jokes, but the “stinky feet” jokes seem to last longer than most. Rhymes, alliteration and onomatopoeia are always interesting for new language learners. Those precious days of reading the same book over and over again until the adult can recite it verbatim do not last forever. Enjoy them, and be glad that you are putting great words into your little one’s mind.
Thanks Mom! I do enjoy reading with Lily so much. It’s one of my favorite things to do together.