Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.
– Hebrews 3:1
Fixing your eyes on Jesus is vital to every believer. There are so many distractions in every part of our lives, and so many things we can focus on instead. Christianity is so simple, yet we all complicate it. Our sinful nature complicates it, making us think that we must do something to earn our salvation. Our science complicates it, making us doubt whether we are truly made in the image of God, or just evolved primates. Our media complicates it by pulling us away from Jesus towards sensuality, violence, anger, and fear.
In all this we still reach for Jesus. We must cry out for Him and search for Him alone. He is our only hope. Without Jesus we are all damned and without hope in this world. Empty and broken, hurt and alone, but for our Lord.
Thank you so much Lord, for your unending love and grace. Thank you for searching for us and finding us in our deathly lifestyles, and rescuing us. Please help us not be distracted by either the world, or the latest Christian trend, or our own problems. Please help us to look to you and fix our eyes, without blinking on our King. Praise and Glory to your name, Lord. Amen.