I’m so blessed to be the mother of a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl. Sometimes, like today, I get frustrated by the little things. Lily won’t sleep in her crib. She hasn’t been sleeping in her crib since she was four months old, though occasionally I can get her to stay asleep when I set her down. Josh is much better at that than I am. I think his height helps him. So lately I’ve been trying to get her to go to sleep when she’s already in her crib.

It’s not working.

Mostly it involves putting her in her crib when she’s sleepy, then she stands up, I lay her down, she stands up. This continues until I give in and sit on the floor and watch her play in her crib for a while. I do the laying down and standing up game again. I rock her. I nurse her. I try putting her down in her crib and we start all over again.

It ends when either she finally sleeps in the crib (which has only happened once), or I just let her sleep in my arms or on my bed. She’s sleeping in my arms right now. And even though I wasn’t able to get her to sleep, and she won the battle of wills again, I win too. I know I won’t get to hold this precious girl in my arms very long, and I treasure this time. So sleep little angel, I’ll snuggle you if that’s how you like to sleep.