
Money and Energy

I'm currently reading Serve God Save The Planet by Dr. Matthew Sleeth. It's an interesting and challenging book. He used to be an ER doctor, and he is now a Christian environmental leader. He raises a lot of great points about stewardship of the Earth, and the damage...

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The Voice

There is a new translation of the Bible being worked on by Thomas Nelson, and it sound very fascinating to me. It's called The Voice, and you can buy the New Testament now, the Old Testament is still being worked on. On the website, you can even download the entire...

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Trusting in Money or God?

Trust in your money and down you go! But the godly flourish like leaves in spring. Proverbs 11:28 There are two ways to live life. You can trust in your own hard work, luck, and ingenuity, or you can trust in the Lord. Is money driving your emotions? Is worry about...

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Advent Conspiracy

I finally ran across the promo video that was played one of the weeks leading up to Christmas by my church. It's about the consumerism of America, and how if we spent less on Christmas presents, and instead gave to the poor and needy, as Jesus would have done, we...

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No Trouble

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and He adds no trouble to it. Proverbs 10:22 That car loan... not a blessing from the Lord. That student loan... not a blessing from the Lord. That mortgage... not a blessing. That second mortgage... not a blessing. When the...

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"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27 I grew up for many years in the Worldwide Church of God. Many mainline churches called it a cult. It wasn't, but it was very legalistic. In fact, it was like being a Messianic Jew in the first...

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Wisdom’s Call

...where the paths meet, she takes her stand... Proverbs 8:2 One of the things that I pray every day, is that I would have wisdom in every decision that I make. I believe that it is possible to avoid most of the problems that could occur in life, if every decision is...

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Debt and Responsibility

When we don't have enough money to buy food, should the government give us money? Whose responsibility is it to feed our families, to pay for our houses and cars and businesses? Is it the banks responsibility? If all loans were canceled, and we could only buy what we...

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White as Snow

The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. John 1:9 Tulsa finally received its first snowfall of the year. I love snow. Growing up in Canada and then moving to the United States a number of years ago, I still miss the snowfalls that were...

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Helping the Least Desireable People

In Matthew 25, as Jesus talks about His return, and the final judgment of the world, it's intimidating. I suppose it is one of those areas where we have to lean on His mercy and grace. I have stories of my obedience, and stories of my disobedience. Feeding the hungry,...

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Appearance and Truth

When Jesus spoke to religious people He was a lot more harsh than when He spoke to regular people. I think that Jesus values truth and self-honesty (which would lead to humility as opposed to pride) much more than appearance. Why do I play games and try to show off...

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I just watched The Prince of Egypt again. I love that movie. There are so many angles that are easier to see when you look at the story in that format. I love animated movies, and the story of Moses is a real story, which makes it more valuable to watch than my...

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